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Kirmen, named after the traditional Turkish wool spindle, is the inspiration behind our store, Kirmen Rugs. We take pride in sharing our passion for hand-woven rugs with you. Our unique and high-quality rugs, reflecting Turkey's rich weaving heritage, will bring warmth and elegance to your home. Enhance your living space with these exquisite pieces, securely shipped worldwide. At Kirmen Rugs, every rug is a work of art, and every home deserves its elegance. Discover this unique experience by shopping with us today!
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We’re so glad you’re here at Kirmen™, where every rug is a masterpiece of tradition and craftsmanship. Exciting news: We’re giving away a FREE mini vintage rug every week! 🎁✨
Join the fun by entering your email below. Plus, help us pick the giveaway rug—Check out our Instagram stories and vote for your favorite – the most-loved rug goes to one lucky winner!